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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

There's mud in my hair!

After work today, I took the bus to Truchen's old neighborhood to visit her Korean hairdresser for a little trim and some swoopy bangs!  By the way, Truchen, I love her!   Thanks for the recommendation! 

After my hair was cut, I asked, in my limited Korean, if she would please shampoo it and give me a special treatment, because my hair is horribly damaged from the previous bleach jobs, perm, and then brown dye jobs over those! So, she motioned for me to follow her to her computer where she used google translate to tell me that I should do a mud treatment!  I made sure that "mud" translated correctly, and in deed it did... How could I turn down the opportunity to see what mud does for hair's repairing process?!  The answer is...I couldn't!  So, about 2 minutes later, some sort of mud mixture was being brushed into my hair!  ONLY IN KOREA!

There are days when I kick myself for leaving my camera at home!  Obviously this was one of those days!
The good news is... I have to go back every three days (5 more times) to have it done again and again and again!  It's a 6 time treatment!  So, I'll make sure to pack my camera for this Saturday's visit to the hair salon for my mud treatment!  LOVELY!